the 6th annual
art star craft bazaar kicks off tomorrow morning at penn's landing! i've been making so so many new things that i can't wait to share with everyone tomorrow. if you're in town, stop by, i'll be at booth # 48, right smack in the middle of the pier with my lovely roomate. one of my besties,
bob dix and his lovely lady friend
kristy brennan will have a booth right next to mine. so many other local talents have been curated for this event as well as amazing out of towners such as
the runny bunny for conjoined and mismatched ceramic statues,
chez- sucre -chez for sweet embroidery and the rad canadians of
sweetie pie press who make an assortment of wonders. this is my 3rd year doing this bazaar and i can't wait to see what everyone has made this year!
p. s be sure to read the post below to enter my giveaway!
Yes, I will so be there on Sunday, see you then.
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