now that my intense jewelry assembling has slightly subsided, i'll be focusing more of my attentions to my upcoming solo show at mew gallery this august. i'm very excited to be showing there again as i had my very first show there (outside of a bar or boutique) last summer and the ladies who run it are absolutely amazing and have supported me from the start!
the show will be called 'i am writing to you with my eyes' which is a line of text i found while i was re-reading frida kahlo's diary recently when i was stuck in bed. i began to think how artists, specifically a few of my favorite female artists have done this by revealing intimate parts of themselves through visual images, such as self-portraits and photographs. i also thought of one of my favorite poets, anne sexton, who i feel also does this in written texts because her language is so visual and intensely personal. and so, the idea for my show began sprouting all the while i was exiled in my bed with frida's diary, a book of diane arbus photos and anne's complete poems.
i've begun to collect imgaes of vintage cameras for reference, such as the one above, which is really a tiny tiny working camera from Japan after WWII. If you have any images of vintage cameras, please please send them over to me! at jlschnabel@gmail.com.
I love your inspiration, I am surely curious to see more.
Wow, that quote gives me shivers, what an amazing name for a show. I can't wait to see what unfolds!
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