Thursday, October 29, 2009

repels/fascinates iii. taxidermy.

i'm incredibly repelled and intoxicated by taxidermy. i even feel this way about all the bones i handle when making my jewelry. i have no moral qualms about it, i just get seriously creeped out by it sometimes. (in particular, there is a wild boar head at the restaurant where i work and i stare at it constantly) mostly i think what gets me is the 'head on a mantle' aspect of it. the animal seems desperately out of place & i can't help but look into its glass eyes and wonder what it's last moments were like. however, when taxidermy is done poetically/in the surrealist vein, like by the above uk artist polly morgan, i find beauty in the tragedy of it & am hypnotized.


Anonymous said...

this place in london has just opened:
you can read an interview I did with the owner here:

Anonymous said...

oh I love the fox!