Monday, January 11, 2010

selling blood to the like-minded.

one of the (many) thrilling things about making jewelry is when other artists buy my work. a few weeks ago artist audrey kawasaki picked up a couple skull necklaces and added this photo to her blog:
this is my favorite piece of hers that i had the good fortune to snag a print of:
& this is a photo artist tamara waite-santibanez posted on her blog of an optical lens/vertebrae necklace she picked up at youngblood gallery all the way in atlanta! even thou she lives so close in nyc.
& this is some of her amazing art:


Unknown said...

Wow. I love your packaging, I love your jewelry and how is Audrey Kawasaki going to get some of your pieces? I love her work. Good for you! :)

bloodmilk. said...

hi there,
she already has the necklaces, it was her who took the picture of them. thank you!

. c h o k l i t . said...

What fabulousness ~ when you find an artist who loves your work as much as you love theirs. Yay!