Friday, October 16, 2009

self-portrait/ blood milk give a way!

hi. i've been thinking long & hard about what to do for my next giveaway. the last one was very emotion rousing, as all your comments were really heartfelt & surprised me in their sincere interest in my work.

since october is my favorite month! & halloween my favorite holiday (even more so since it now marks the union of my love & i!), i want to offer another opportunity for winning a piece of custom blood milk. the winner & i will speak about their interests & beliefs & i will make a custom piece just for them!

all you have to do is take a self portrait. i've been thinking a lot about identity as i prepare for my upcoming show at omoi in december. i'm not sure where i will go with it, but i thought it would be fun to see some of you! the photos will be posted on this site at the close of the contest. 

to enter:
send in a photo of yourself to
 i'd prefer it to be a self-portrait, but its up to you!
i like to use the old time photo generator i posted about here, but again, it's your choice.
if you're uncomfortable with sending in a photo of yourself, you can also write a comment on this post about identity, anything about what you believe yours to be & what may have influenced the shaping of it.

the deadline is the night before halloween! october 30. i'll randomly pick the winner on halloween & i'll post the results the following week!



What a great self portrait! I am in :)

Zev said...

sounds like fun! i'm up for it.

Katie Kaboom said...

Done and done! hehe

. c h o k l i t . said...

Hmmm, so fun! Which portrait to choose?

bravegrrl said...

can it be a painting/drawing? or just a photograph?


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