i recently discovered the work of dutch artist jan toorop. it seems like work i've been connected to all my life, i don't know how i've gone this long without it! his work will certainly be bountiful inspiration to me as i begin to gear up for my show at topstitch in april.
in other new newness:
i started a facebook fan page for blood milk. i plan on posting secrets & specials on here so if you're so inclined, become a fan.......
my review of chris berens show at sloan fine art in nyc 'the only living boy in new york' just went up on fecal face......
oh. my. god. seriously? i feel like his paintings must be etched onto my organs! SO delicious!
yes, i know!
i've had the one on your facebook floating around my computer forever but wasn't able to place a name to it, or see other work, until just now!
Loving the Southeast Asian-mixed-with-Art-Noveau feeling... *off to explore more*
toorop's been an inspiration of mine for years; love his work!
also, fan-ning the facebook page. it's about time!
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