as i was voyaging on the internet last night, i came across a page discussing the new contestants on project runway. i haven't seen the show yet but they described maya luz as lydia from bettlejuice, who is one of my most coveted characters from film. i took a look at her site & was thrilled. i dig how she styles her models and her accessories are odd and lovely. i'd love to see bloodmilk paired with her clothes........
yes! contact her!
Love this! I just started watching the new season and she seems promising. Her illustration [also on her site] is pretty great, as well.
blood milk would be purfect!
How delicious, I totally forgot project runway started again, I shall watch tonight while on the treadmill. I think two would be perfect companions.
she was definitely one of the few that stood out when they showing some of their past work during the intro...I was curious to see more
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