Monday, March 1, 2010

book lust.

while i've shut myself away in my third floor home studio painting and tinkering with strange jewels, i always think of my first love, books. i've been sleeping with books by brian evenson & stacey levine. i love everything about books, the smell of their pages; new and old, their spines and covers. i fell into an immediate dreamy lust when i saw these antique bookcovers, skinning everything from the bible to catherine de medici.


danielle v. said...

sigh & swoon

Zev said...

Guh. Booklust INDEED. I love everything about old books, as well, and these are gorgeous examples. Have you considered doing a series of pieces inspired by this interest?

Anonymous said...

Drool... I'm w/ you on the old book smell! Gorgeous choices - off to check out the rest, thanks!

bloodmilk. said...

zoe, a series of paintings or jewelry?
either idea would be interesting.

. c h o k l i t . said...

The filigree silver one is absolutely GLORIOUS! So intricate...

Leila Marvel said...

These are fabulous, one day this spring/summer you need to come down so we can go flea marketing and come over my house, I'd love to show you my medical anatomy collection.

Zev said...

I was thinking of jewelry, actually. The catches and spine ornaments here mirror what I think of as your sensibility. But paintings would be great, as well. :D

Psychedelicsister said...

Those are to die for.