Sunday, April 15, 2012

'Sea Witch' sneak.


Ellen Rogers x Ovate X Blood Milk
 (a trinity forged in the darkest of dreams) 

'Sea Witch' will be released next week.
 (after i finish this intense transplant this weekend)

for now, here's a peek at the campaign the loveliest Ellen Rogers shot of Ovate's clothing Mare Frigoris (Sea of Cold / in relation to the moon) & my jewels, pictured (as a headdress) is 'Ariel' a seahorse twin spyglass necklace & my very favorite piece from the collection.

take a peek at Audrey's amazing pieces available now here.

many thanks for all your recent kindnesses & support.

more very, very soon.


Boho Mixology said...

Amazing photo!


in dreams said...

i really love that piece, especially as a head adornment. congrats on the collaboration! it looks crazy awesome. :)

Anonymous said...

Argh such a beautiful picture! It reminds me of Berber tattoos for some reason...

Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to drop in a comment for a while and am finally doing it (way to state the obvious right?) at 2:18am - insomnia is a bitch...

I love your blog/website/jewellery/(is it too soon to say you?:)) Always makes my day a little bit better when I read (or reread) your latest post. Look forward to your next...

Anonymous said...

So cool!

Anonymous said...

I'm very happy to see this collaboration. Two of my favourite artists working together.