Thursday, March 31, 2011

that which keeps you.


a carefully selected oeuvre of paul romano's emotive & haunting works will be on show starting tomorrow night at the new gallery 309 here in philly. if you're in town i hope you stop by to say hi.


the fault line.


i'm interested in how the grotesque can present itself; as fragile as a braid, milk colored & huddling betwixt the tenuous realm of sorrow & the locus of a ghostly epiphany.

- - - - - -

"I am terrified by this dark thing
that sleeps in me;
all day I hear its soft, feathery turnings, its malignity.”
- from elm - sylvia plath

more otherworldly carolein smit sculptures here.


Monday, March 28, 2011

in the land of milk fog & rust.


whether closed to accidental deaths, nuclear meltdowns or poor sales, these photographs chronicle the abandoned amusement parks overseas left to decay in haunted splendor. the eeriness of these photographs appeals to my simultaneous attraction and fear of such landscapes; left in a frozen standstill as the natural settings swallow what was once populated by the laughs & screams of children & families. take a peek over at nileguide to read about each park and why it was closed & to see more creepy photos.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

supernaturally yours, xo rose gold.

rose gold  swan song, ouija planchette & bear tooth rings & baby owl skull now in the shop.

shape shifting.


one of my true loves is colored pencils & i've been long enamored by fumi mini nakamura's elaborate works in the medium. take a peek at the mini review i wrote about her drawings over at hi-fructose.


it was . . .


i haven't had much to say or write these days. my dreams are vivid and epic. keeping notes on paper seems safer it seems. somehow this mute feeling looks like these works by sundry sullen. i can't wait to bury march and to hold out my hand to april. i have never before so wanted spring.

more soon.

Friday, March 25, 2011

winner of dark scents...


congrats to pam who was randomly selected by mlle ghoul using the random number generator.

Included in the Sampler are:

Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab Swarzermond
Etro Messe de Minuit'
Dawn Spencer Hurwitz Cathedral
Comme de Garcons Kyoto
Laura Tonnato Amir
Serge Lutens Chergui

Pam please email Mlle Ghoul at so she can acquire your address!

& thanks again for entering and to mlle ghoul for the lovely guest post. if you missed it, check it out here!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

miranda july and the future.


quirky creatrix miranda july has a new film coming out! the future is narrated by a cat and features a couple living in a small apartment, spending too much time on the computer. i can't wait to see it, everything miranda july touches inspires me.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

the unavoidable pull.


i love this photo of last week's supermoon. it was taken over the panethon by anthony ayiomamitis.

take a peek at mlle ghoul's guest post here on her 10 ten favorite dark scents. & enter her giveaway for a collection of samples of some of the scents she mentioned. it ends tomorrow!


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

the shining.

the shining (named after the infamous stephen king novel) is an incredibly inspiring and beautifully merchandised jewelry boutique located in dallas, texas and is one of the very few places where you can find bloodmilk in person. this amazing little video features the sweet owner of the shop as well as my sparrow claw conjoined rings & margaux from peg & awl's original miniature book necklaces! i wish i could visit it in person.....


Saturday, March 19, 2011

fresh blood: supernatural sight necklace.


a trinity of sterling cast snake rib bones cradle a slightly convex & large magnifying glass lens. 

for those who desire a supernatural sight. for the constant seekers. for those wanting to see more clearly. for the idea of eternity. for magic and ritual, serpent and skin.



terribly happy.


annie owens, creatrix of hi-fructose, has a new body of work, 'terribly happy' opening tonight at corpo gallery. the moody watercolors show a marked sophisticated evolution of her long limbed girls;  adolescents on the metamorphic cusp of adulthood or revelation, picking their way through beautiful, hazy landscapes. each figure appears to be brooding on a secret thought or engaged in the pure rapture of their emotions. take a peek at the nearly sold out show here, or her recent interview with nathan spoor here.


sweetest tongue hath sharpest tooth.


i know i've recently posted this image from 'the company of wolves' based on an angela carter tale, but the movie is one of my favorites from childhood; it scared the hell out of me in a residual everlasting kind of way. it was also a film my late father had shown me when i was perhaps too young to see it, which was always his way, and which surely shaped my imagination. it seemed the best image to accompany the reason for this post; fever ray has a new single out, The Wolf, as part of a soundtrack for a new rendition of red riding hood. i've been listening to it on repeat and i think some of you may like it too. 

p.s. after taking a bit of an internet hiatus/vacation, i've been busy photographing the rest of my new jewels and should have them loaded onto etsy over the week. 


Friday, March 18, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

guest post: scents for the dark.


I view the olfactory sense as others might reflect upon sight or sound. Crucial. A necessity. Like breathing. It is breathing in, of course, through which you experience it, after all. And although I would not care to lose my eyesight or my hearing - in a darkened, silent room, I am neither frightened nor lonely if there is the ghost of a scent on the air to breathe in, and to comfort me.

When I was much younger, my mother’s mirrored vanity tray held a great deal of fascination for me, with its jumble of shimmering glass bottles filled with fragrant fluids. It was a constant and forbidden temptation -as I had been told, more than once, to leave it be. And more than once, caught in a paroxysm of longing and naughtiness from which there was no return, I would spray one scent, then the next, and then perhaps high from the vaporous cloud of aromatics floating round my head, would proceed to spritz myself with the remainder of those illicit essences. When later interrogated, I would have the audacity to assert that I had been playing quietly in some other part of the house the entire time.
As if my mother couldn’t tell. As if she couldn’t smell.

Despite my fragrance fixation, years later and well into adulthood I have neither developed into chemist nor expert perfumer. I continue to carry with me, however, that obsession from my formative years. Though I try to reign it in, fragrance is often the topic of my conversations – whether or not people are listening and often I suspect they are not - and a continuous train of thought for which there are no stop-offs, just endless loops; analyzing the notes of a fragrance, memories or bits of nostalgia it may call to mind, colours with which I associate the scent, characters from literature or cinema who best portray the story of the scent, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

When asked for fragrance recommendations then, though perhaps I am not qualified in the strictest sense of the word to dole them out, I do feel perfectly at ease sense doing so, and certainly up to the task. Especially when, as requested by jess herself, the search is for something “dark, musky, exotic”. As a lover of the ghoulish, the macabre, the eerie and all manner of nightmarish phantasmagoria … such scents, as you can imagine, are quite my my cup of tea. See below for a list of my top ten haunting, evocative “Scents for the Dark”, and accompanying thoughts for each. I would not say that all of these are exactly budget friendly, but most can be purchased in the form of various sample sizes from sites such as Or, you could leave a comment on this post with your own perfume memories or simply a favourite scent if you wish to be entered in a giveaway for a fragrance sampler which contains sample sizes of a good many of the perfumes mentioned! Fragrances will decanted from my own personal collection, and will be clearly labeled. Good luck!

#10 Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab “Aeval”


I used to work for a rare/used occult bookseller; this fragrance takes me back to that time. This is the scent of things old, and rare, and dark and forbidden. Dusty books on rotting wooden shelves - memoires of madmen and magicians, ancient grimoires written in dead languages, spellbooks and tarot cards and nose-tickling sweet, smoky incense. Fairy tales of witches and gnomes and fairies and all sorts of my wonderful characters, some real, and some (supposedly) make believe. But if you could have breathed in that scent, you would have believed. This is that scent. Dark and old and filled with things you aren't supposed to know, aren't supposed to believe. Things that stay in the shades and shadows and in unopened books that no one reads anymore.

#9 Annick Goutal “Myrrh Ardente”


At first it is decidedly medicinal… like an antique herbal expectorant one might procure at the local apothecary run by an unlicensed homeopathic pharmacist. It might cure you, it might kill you. It soon becomes whispery smoke and mysterious veils and soft, powdery incense made from mystical tree resins. The kind of dream-tree one must ask permission to use, from the dryad living in. A very otherworldly scent, almost.

#8. Heely “Sel Marin”


A dim lit sea save, illuminated by phosphorescent crystals clinging to salt crusted walls. Mossy rocks, worn smooth by time and tides and the wind, which echoes eerily through the subterranean stone chambers. Bits of driftwood and seawood and perhaps small animal bones littering the damp chamber floor. A sea priestess lain dormant, waiting for a dark ritual to conjure forth from slumber. A Dion Fortune novel, bottled up.

#7. Etro Messe di Minuit


I was never happy with this scent until I realized I was insistently attempting to smell something that I wouldn’t recognize anyway ….I’ve never been to midnight mass in my life. Once I realized that its subtly sour, musty scent reminded me of a shadowed corner of a used bookstore; towering piles of moldering books stacked on sagging rotted wood shelves….a corner that hasn’t seen sunlight in years, books that are touched by human hands rarely, if at all….once I came to this conclusion, I fell in love.

#6. Dawn Spencer Hurwitz “Cathedral”

Musky myrrh and warm woods and cool, damp midnights and it smells like Barbara Steele doused herself in Drakkar Noir prior to being locked in a mouldering tomb for all eternity. Which is to say she smells like a sexy lady wearing a man’s slightly sleazy cologne. Which circles back and makes it classy again? Sure, why not.

#5. Serge Lutens “Chergui”

I really do not have the words for how beautiful this is. It’s rich and luxurious without being …decadent…or heavy, yet it’s definitely not a “light” scent either. Really quite intoxicating. It smells foreign and familiar all at once; maybe if your idea of "exotic" is from the sumptuous illustrations in a well-worn book of fables from a far-away land. It's all lofty sandalwood, honeyed musks, and and liquid amber tea on me, and it makes me feel like a desert queen in a strange, dusty tale.

#4. Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab” “Schwarzermond” (Limited Edition)


Wicked, brooding resins and that dark lurker patchouli. Imagine this blend sinuously winding it's smoldering way from a dab on your wrist, slowly, sweetly up your arms, across your shoulder, to rest - a seductive haze at your neck like an antique suede choker, infused with the scent of it's former owner - the Countess Villainess What's Her Name. She poisoned three of her husbands, but she’s got prospects in queue and the line’s out the door, anyhow.

#3. Laura Tonatto “Amir”


A deeply hypnogogic scent, all dark, narcotic myrrh and nocturnal resins. A midnight philtre, thickened with age and swimming murkily at the bottom of an ancient crystal flacon, tucked away in some moth-eaten velvet robes. This is the scent I imagine Mary Shelley wearing during that infamous summer in 1816 at the Villa Diodati with Byron and Polidori.

#2. Comme de Garcons “Kyoto”


Austere and meditative and calls to mind a dark prayer in a cool, shadowy forest temple.

#1. Creed “Angelique Encens” (discontinued)

This is the classy, yet mysterious woman in the film noir who is instantly pegged as the murderer because she’s beautiful and slightly “off”. You later find out she is hiding a terrible secret that has nothing to do with the murder, maybe her twin sister drowned in Monte Carlo and she has stolen her identity in order to escape a lecherous suitor, or something like that. It smells of some sort of enigmatic flower whose essence has been preserved to deepen and darken before it is crushed with a handful of strange, sweet herbs and left in an antique potpourri dish in a lady’s boudoir. A beautiful scent, for lipsticked and rouged facades masking dark, dramatic pasts.

*many thanks to mlle ghoul for this guest post. don't forget to leave a comment to this post to be entered in a sample of scents give a way courtesy of the author! give a way ends thursday march 24th!*

three times at night.


a peculiar editorial from favorite tim walker in this month's uk vouge. stripes always remind me of beetlejuice & lydia.  tomorrow i'll be posting a guest blog by mlle ghoul !

Monday, March 14, 2011

the arrow of time.


ghosts of ourselves & foreign cities. repeating the same verse twice, thrice. or endlessly. the smoky grayness. 
photographs from alexey titarenko's 'time standing still' series.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

flood gates.


a blood flood on the horizon . . . 
vintage pen nibs for writer's block, keeping secrets, rose gold sacred heart relic locket & baby raven skull sideways rings. . . .
sometimes i wish i had more hands. 

blood spatter.


i have a weird fixation on the tragic, historical lives of beheaded queens. it's amazing to live in a time where women can be valued more than for their reproductive capabilities. above all of these disembodied femmes is marie antoinette, the infamous teen queen who now plays muse to a lost generation sharing a similar life of political turmoil and inner strife. more so, i have a weird fixation for artists who are able to successfully use blood in their work. these photographs by anthony jacobus strike the right pull of tension for me between the stillness of predestined tragedy & a macabre oddness. i suppose lately photographs have been touching me more deeply as i search for inspiration to take new photographs of all the fresh blood i've been spilling these days. . . 